In the wake of
discovering that Spidey's bathroom plan was fatally flawed, I decided to try a new room layout. This house is a vintage Arrow Cape Cod that sports a truly bizarre and cramped floor plan.
So easy to move a bathroom when no plumbing is involved! |
The critical path was getting the parlor into the bay window room on the first floor. It looks very happy there.
Spidey, exhausted from moving furniture, contemplates knitting. |
The more casual seating area with the Strombecker furniture stays in the foyer.
Acquaintances get only this far. |
These two adjoining rooms can then use the same pink-and-brown wallpaper selections, assuming I have enough paper. I got it at Hobby Bench the day I bought the house, and they no longer carry it.
Fortunately, neither room has much in the way of solid walls. |
This pushes the dining room up to the middle floor, as it doesn't fit in the foyer. I dithered a lot about this, as it's desperately cute, it has opening doors, and it's one of the first bits of furniture that I bought for the house -- but it also has chairs too narrow for Spidey and Catra to sit in. I also have had zero luck finding any paper I like in blue or red.
But Godzilla looks right at home. |
This leaves the far end of the middle floor, with the second window, for the kitchenette. At least the deployment of windows is now logical -- it never made sense that the main seating area was so dark.
O hai. Damn, I'm pink. |
I am tempted to replace it with a Strombecker kitchen that needs TLC.
There's a lot of guilt surrounding this consideration, as I was
so pleased to be one of the cool kids who scored a Hallmark ornament appropriate for dollhouse use -- but it's looking increasingly out of line with the style of the rest of the furniture.
The bath then becomes really cramped and has to have its imaginary door open from an imaginary hall that also provides the imaginary staircase. I can live with that. It also needs a wall. Foamcore goes on the hobby-store list!
It may have a double sink, but mornings will still be crowded. |
And then the bedroom is where the bedroom has always been. I need to get sponges and make a bed.
Spidey sleeps in a garret. |
The problem with replacing the kitchen is that I'm then also likely to end up replacing the dining room and doing something completely different with the middle floor, which means a simple decision has spiraled into complexity. Put an eat-in kitchen and bath on the middle floor, then have a larger bedroom upstairs?
You have quite the endeavor going on! It looks like a labor of love.