Monday, October 16, 2023

My 4" kiddies


I used to be heavily into Sparkle Girlz Minis, mostly as a reward for getting grocery shopping done (though there was also a brief My Little Pony Surprise Pack phase, since Kroger carried those). My mother was obsessed with Kelly dolls. So I started the summer of 2022 with a ridiculous amount of 4" toddlers to deal with.

The vast majority of the Kelly dolls, I sold, and they were honestly the most fun part of eBay sales. They sell reliably, four or five of them fit in a small box together, they're light to ship, and every buyer was a delightful person. Excess Sparkle Girlz Minis got donated, and I eventually got down to one articulated Kelly and one Sparkle Girlz Mini.

This allowed room for growth. Here's the current gang, clockwise from noon:

  • Old-school Funville Sparkle Girlz Mini from 2018, now named Ruby. The last doll I bought after moving to New Haven, except for a stroller set in the Bronx (which I no longer have).
  • Simba's "Little Unicorn" AA Evi Love. I was determined that I'd only buy an Evi if she was non-white, and this little gal was marked $4 at TJ Maxx.
  • Lucky Industries 1990s Tommy clone, now named Lucky.
  • New Zuru Glitzeez (the Sparkle Girlz Mini by any other name), now named Jania.
  • 2002 Kid Kore revised Jodi, AA, now named Neveah. Kid Kore updated face molds during the upheaval surrounding the rise of Bratz (as well as releasing some Bratz clones).
  • 1990s "Amusement Park" articulated-knee Kelly.
The only doll I'm interested in adding at this point is a 1990s Kid Kore Jodi with red hair, for reasons that will soon be obvious.

In applying labels, I notice that I've had an Evi Love in the past. (The number of dolls I've had in the past and barely remember is kind of embarrassing. Some are so cute, yet mean so little that I'm questioning whether all my brain cells work properly. Oh well.) At the time, I wasn't crazy about Evi, because she's a chunky sullen gal. This one, I adore.

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