Saturday, September 24, 2016

Another Day, Another Quest for Smaller Monster High People

My dismay over grocery shopping means I tend to reward myself with a trip down the toy aisle, which is why I have five (?) Sparkle Girlz Minis, five miniature My Little Ponies, the shy forest creature from a couple weeks ago, and... articulated miniature Monster High persons made by Mega Bloks.
Where the Kroger toy aisle is concerned, this was not my first rodeo.
On a prior trip, I'd picked up Cleo de Nile and Draculaura because I believed the MH persons were being clearanced at Ghetto!Kroger. They fit nicely with the Avon miniatures my parents sent; I declared they'd have a house someday; I went back to working on the half-scale hotel.

The girls have brought their living room suite outdoors to enjoy the fall weather.
But no!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Meet Evi LOVE, the clone who isn't quite a clone

Some of the younger folks gather excitedly to see who came home in a box after my Toys R Us visit last week.

It's a motley crew. L-R: Madame Alexander travel doll Italy, Sparkle Girlz Mini,
Chinese clone of SGM, and Stacie's friend Miranda.
I found this gal over in some random aisle where the Shopkins and My Little Ponies lurk, but she sure looks like a clone of a Sparkle Girlz Mini... only some, including this bike rider, have articulated knees! This pack cost $6.99.

Comes in white and ambiguous brown!
Let's unbox her!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Go Ahead and Fake Yourself

Who is this shy forest creature who delicately turns her head away from the crud on the electric plug?

Summon birds to clean this kitchen? I do not THNK so.
This is Featherly, protector of birds, a forest pixie from the Dragon Games line of Ever After High. When Featherly and her fellow unarticulated pixies, Harelow and Deerla, appeared in stores last year, my first thought was "Mattel's making its own fakies!"

In the $8-$12 range, this wasn't a compelling value proposition, but clearanced at $5 at Fry's, on a day when I was feeling particularly cranky... it seemed like the moment to compare a forest pixie to a real fakie. 
Cool belt, Featherly. Clare's or Forever 21?
Read on to see how Featherly compares to Nile, the Gothic Tales clone of Monster High Frankie Stein, a doll that goes for about $3 at Dollar General (introduced here, got her current dress here).